جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Sustainable Energy Policy

Policy Statement

Consistent with An-Najah National University strategic plan, the University is committed to achieving best practice standards in energy management and sustainability for all construction and renovation projects, the University aims to improving energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption and costs, environmental impact of harmful emissions, use renewable energy sources.


  1. To utilize energy as efficiently as possible through conservation, best practice operational procedures, and prudent monitoring and purchasing.

  2. To incorporate energy efficient design to all new buildings, refurbishments.

  3. To increase the energy awareness of students, faculty and staff.

  4. To reduce dependence on fossil fuels by using alternative and renewable forms of energy where it is practical and economic to do so.

  5. To minimize gaseous emissions and reduce the University’s carbon footprint.

  6. To procure goods and services from organizations who demonstrate a positive commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability.


All construction-related activities that impact sustainability for An-Najah National University.


The Energy Research Center (ERC), in collaboration with the Engineering and Construction Department, Office of the University Architect, Facilities Management, Public Services Department, and Procurement Department; and with advice from the Sustainability Project Team, will update procedures and practices to maintain conformance to this policy on an ongoing basis.


  1. All university’s buildings and facilities will be operated in the most energy efficient.

  2. The university will demonstrate commitment to our community and leadership in our industry by reducing environmental impacts associated with our building energy use. This include carbon investments from carbon-intensive energy including oil and coal.

  3. The university will set and publish energy performance targets, represented as energy use intensity and will monitor and evaluate performance levels.

  4. The university will be annually revisited energy conservation goals to evaluate operational challenges and opportunities that will impact performance in the longer term.

  5. Energy consumption for all university owned, operated and managed buildings will be benchmarked.

  6. All university buildings will continue to target energy efficiency improvement measures to the greatest extent possible through ongoing Strategic Energy Management planning.

  7. The university will promote the use of cost-effective, renewable energy sources whenever possible, both in new construction and existing building renovations.

  8. The university will actively seek sources of funding to implement energy efficient improvements and utility infrastructure renewal projects.

  9. The university will cooperate governments and Palestinian energy & natural resources authority in accomplishing energy conservation and utility management objectives.

  10. The university's Energy Research Center (ERC) is responsible for implementing this policy and identifying energy saving opportunities within the energy and campus master planning efforts.


Effective Date: October 12, 2016

Review Date: Jun 15, 2023

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